The completion of the Periodic Table of TOPS is almost here. I am creating another compound to mark this moment.
Two inert gasses, Neon and Argon symbolized by Ne and Ar are elements that have many uses. The one use I bring to your attention is they are routinely found in special light bulbs or lamps.
These elements will shine a bright light as the end of the series is NeAr.
When the end of something I am working on is NeAr, I will reflect back on what needed to happen to get to that point. The use of elements began on March 18, 2022, when I announced the start of the series with Health (H) as the first element. Many members started using each element as talking points at their chapter meetings.

I will take this Opportunity (O) to use all the elements to show how I Support (S) my LiFe PaTh. Remember since we are all Individuals (I), you can use the elements to fit You (U).
It was only when I joined TOPS that I learned the importance of Food (F) and Nutrition (N), followed by Planning (P) for better Control (C). Also, I realized my past Behavior (B) was impeding my Victory (V) of hitting my Target (T) Weight (W).
Working with a TeAm is the best way to GaIn tips to fight the BiAs that exists for those of us who battle the Scale (Sc). This helps keep up Momentum (Mo) and not Retreat (Re) on progress.
I Believe (Be) that it helps not to think that I am on a Diet (Dy). Trusting myself to keep PaCe, remain Sensible (Sb) and work on FrEsH Clues (Cl) to help me Navigate (Na) through the Temptation (T) of grabbing unhealthy Snacks (Sn). Understanding my Kryptonite (Kr) helps with my Cravings (Cr) which were Obstacles (Os) in the past. I can now say No.
TOPS has helped me stay Accountable (Ac) and I am fortunate that the low annual Cost (Co) allowed me Time (Tm) to find my way.
Now, I am not trying to Camouflage (Ca) my struggles. Getting the right amount of Exercise (Xe) is still a problem and lately my Eureka (Eu) moments have been few. But TOPS has taught me not to beat myself up and just HeAl.
I never really thought what I was going to do when I hung up my lab coat from my career of studying Bacteria (Ba). Being a TOPS member has afforded me many chances to grow. I now enjoy using the line from those old hair loss commercials, “Not only am I a member, I am now the President.”
There is only one more element to add to the Periodic Table of TOPS. I always knew which element would be the last one. Maybe some of you have already figured it out. Many of us get NeAr to this element, but you will just have to wait to see if you are right.
It has been a joy to wonder through the Periodic Table with you!
Love how you incorporated all the past elements in this one. I’m sad it’s almost done, I love these!
I personally am very thankful you hung up your Lab coat and now are wearing the coat of Tops President
On behalf of my Chapter SK 3288 Canora THANK YOU
As I am writing this I think of Dolly Parton and the Coat of Many Colours.
TOPS members have been blessed 😇