As I close in on the completion of the Periodic Table of TOPS, I am constantly amazed that nature provides what we need to accomplish anything we wish to do. Take the element Os which symbolizes Osmium. The element is used in the production of hard and high-wear items, such as instrument pivots, tips of fountain pens and electrical contacts.
In TOPS, Os symbolizes Obstacles. I am well aware that the word Obstacles (Os) means something is standing in the way or is holding up progress. It seems that our LiFe PaTh to a lifestyle of great Health (H) is filled with Obstacles (Os).

Henry Ford once said, “Obstacles (Os) are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goals.”
I am once again struggling to be where I want to be on my Weight (W) loss journey. I recently made a list of what things are holding up my progress, what Obstacles (Os) are blocking my LiFe PaTh.
Some of the highlights of my list are not enough time, Temptations (T), my all or nothing attitude, stress, too tired and many others. Once I reviewed the entire list, I realized what I was really doing was making excuses.
I needed to be reminded about the lessons of TOPS. The Support (S) offered by other members and the methods to help stay Accountable (Ac) are good starts to overcome my Obstacles (Os). What is learned by dealing with these Obstacles (Os) helps me deal with some of the ones that I don’t see or bump against until the last minute.
Great achievements can be recognized once great Obstacles (Os) are dealt with. My advice is to take time to identify your Obstacles (Os) and find some of the TOPS tools to help you overcome the roadblock.
To my knowledge, Michael Jordan was never a TOPS member. However, one of his quotes could be modified to fit how I can deal with my Obstacles (Os). He once said, “Obstacles (Os) don’t have to stop you. If you run into a wall, don’t turn around and give up. Figure out how to climb it, go through it, or work around it.”
When I am faced with another Obstacle (Os) I will now say, “This will not stop me from losing my next pound. If I hit a wall, I will not turn around. If I land on a plateau, I will not languish there and give up. With TOPS Support (S), I will find how to climb it, break through it or work around it.” Now that is a slam dunk.
I am in tune with most of the periodic table of TOPS especially obstacles. Being a KOPS I find myself heading for the top of leeway and I stop and think about what is in my way, one obstacle is cookies. They are the first bite in the morning and sometimes the last thing at night.
Where can you find the complete TOPS Periodic Chart?
The construction of the Periodic Table of TOPS began on March 18, 2022 and has fifteen more elements left until it will be completed in early October 2023.
I’m glad I’m using the TOPS site for motivational blogs. I’ve shared with my MN 950 trip to check them out. : )
I’ve been TOPS for 31 years and in the last 4 have been having great success!
Being surprised with State Div wins is so motivating!
Thx for the time you inserts in TOPS and the blogs!
So appreciate it!!
Lisa Buckentin Mn
What perfect timing for this! I find myself with several obstacles to making good choices right now. I am going to write them down and figure out how to conquer them.