Real People. Real Weight Loss.®

Helping Millions to Take Off Pounds Sensibly Since 1948.

Be Prepared

woman writing in her journalWe’re still sharing lessons learned, and they apply equally well in the holiday season. Today we hear from TOPS First Vice President, who’s also a KOPS.

Karen Tinlin’s Lesson

Be Prepared!

Karen TinlinI’ve always enjoyed flying (considering it an adventure), but heading home from Milwaukee in March 2020 was just a little strange. I had run out of hand sanitizer and went into every shop along the concourse of two airports. I discovered—to my amazement—a fact that prevailed for the next several months: No one had any hand sanitizer left for sale. I was not prepared for this at all.

A few years ago, I was blessed with a situation that taught me to treasure each day. I learned that life is beautiful and to always savor the joy. But that doesn’t mean I should stick my head in the sand, ignoring circumstances around me. It occurred to me, as I hunted for supplies to hold me through isolation, that I had long been neglecting a valuable lesson from my Girl Guide days. Be prepared!

I’ve promised myself a lower goal weight this year, but that just isn’t going to happen without some planning. My first hurdle was to be prepared with an alternate plan when I couldn’t go walking due to the weather. I had Leslie Sansone walking tapes buried in my office somewhere. I’m now proud to say that I’ve dug them out and they’re on my CD player ready to go.

Then there’s the matter of those pesky cravings that come along for seemingly no reason. I’m loving my new list to grab when that happens to me, and sadly, yes, it’s a familiar occurrence. I give myself permission to give in when this hits, with the one condition that I must choose something from my list and include it in my journal. The list has all my favorite things that I have on hand, with the portion size and nutrition calculated. I mean, how long can we stand with the fridge doors open and expect something to miraculously show up that will make us happy? Make a list!

Lord Baden-Powell’s sister Agnes, who helped him found the Girl Guides, would be proud of me as I again live that motto learned so long ago: Be prepared!

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