Real People. Real Weight Loss.®

Helping Millions to Take Off Pounds Sensibly Since 1948.


Real people lead. You are capable of helping others, teaching and sharing your weight-loss journey. Here are some lessons on how to be a leader.

Real People… Real Leadership

woman leading people

Real People… Real Principles
Proven principles to guide leaders and teams.

Real People… Real Team Leaders
How your team can become its own leader.

Real People… Real Service
Want to be a leader, not just a boss?

Real People… Real Culture
How do you build a winning team? Support a winning culture.

Real People… Real Growth
Leaders continue to learn and teach what they have learned.

Real People… Real Teamwork

2 people high five

Real People… Real Team
Why do teams exist?

Real People… Real Interdependence
Is your team working to make all members successful?

Real People… Real Starters
Does your team have starters who directly influence your direction?

Real People… Ten Real Hands
Make team members feel valued.

Real People… Real Communication

Real People… Real Listeners
Want to be a better leader? Then, create better listeners.

Real People… Real Listening
How to be more than a good talker.

Real People… Really Hearing
How to listen to what people don’t say.

Real People… Real Restraint
How to provide honest critiquing.