The next person relating her lesson is our newest Board member, Carol Holtz, who is the granddaughter of Esther S. Manz, TOPS Founder. Carol is also the TOPS Online Facilitator.
Carol Holtz’s Lesson
Win with Positive Thinking
Over this time of social distancing and staying safer at home, I’ve found so many people, especially on social media, focused on the negative. Being a positive person, I’ve found this hard to deal with.
I spend my time trying to look at the positive. This is a great time for us to look at what we can do. We can plan our meals. With less access to restaurants, we can do more planning. The shortages of certain ingredients has caused us to be more creative. What a great time to look at what we make and adapt recipes to make them healthier. We can try out new recipes to spice up the foods we like to eat. What fun we can have creating healthy snacks to help with the “grazing.”
We can positively change our environments. I’ve heard of many people cleaning out all those places we like to hide things. Taking this time to clean up and feel good about our environment is so positive. It gives us something to do instead of eat. We are also burning calories when we clean.
The reports of people being outside walking and biking is so positive. We are burning those calories we are taking in and more. Stress is released and positive thinking is easier. Being positive during this time is important in all aspects of our lives. Being positive is what will give us our success.
We need to take this positivity into the future. When restrictions are lifted, we need to take what we have learned with us. We need to plan our foods and use our healthy snacks. Enjoy the foods you make instead of eating out. Let’s keep our places clean to help us mentally and continue to enjoy the fun activities we have been doing. Think positively!
By Barbara Hollis September 29, 2020
Carol, thanks for the good advice and to think you are a granddaughter of our beloved Esther Manz. I treasure the fact that I joined TOPS when she was signing our certificates.
By Nan Street August 27, 2020
We could use more tools that will help us stay healthy and positive at home. We continue to be safer at home, going into six months. Thank you
By Arlene F. Clayton August 21, 2020
I am a positive person also! I expect to have a reward for my efforts to be positive; whether that is expecting to be a member of a positive let’s get it done organization or walking a mile in 14 minutes in my own home w/o the social need of compensation for not ever obtaining any goals of any kind. Positive people reward each day with the attitude of making each day be a day that will be a reward of knowing that the positive attitude will be a tool that will used to reach a goal and enjoy all the wonderful feelings of accomplishing that goal even if it is only a ten minute walk in the early am when the earth and the sun is coming into another day of being positive and not being in a rut of next week and next week and next week, etc.
By Janice Doppler August 19, 2020
Three weeks ago, I implemented a new strategy to foster positive thinking. At the start of the week, I write the days of the week in my journal with spaces to write one positive action I take to move toward a healthier body each day. Some days they’re big, some days tiny. One day there was nothing. The overall effect is that my intent is strengthened by noticing successes instead of failures or frustrations. I continue to track food consumption and exercise minutes.
By Michelle Noble August 25, 2020
I used to be such a negative person until one day someone told me how sour and unhappy I come across as. I didn’t want to be like that, so I started making an effort to smile more, and turn my negative thoughts into positive ones. Now, I’m a glass half full instead of half empty woman. I’m much happier, and so are the people that interact with me. I’ve noticed that when you expect good things to happen, good things usually happen. Lol!
By Lylene Scholz August 19, 2020
Carol — How uplifting your message is. I was delighted to see your name appear and just when I have been struggling. Just seeing your name and face brings back so many happy memories. You reminded me to focus on the good memories and all the good people who have been in my life through TOPS.
By Maimie Parker August 19, 2020
Thank you, Carol, for your inspiration and information.
And Thank you to the many people who have responded to Carol’s comments…
JIM & I will go out for a drive (and keep Social Distancing!) We’ve been on roads that we haven’t seen for many years… it’s GREAT!!!! and it’s a good “Eye Opener!!”
By Barb Maas August 18, 2020
Last Sat. my chapter decided to try to meet at a park to install our new officers. It was up to each of us to decide if we felt comfortable enough to do it. The surprise was in that most members came. Weightwise, Covid took it’s toll in gains but several had great losses. Our last weigh in was March. Despite everything, the best gift of all was the positive feeling about us being a group again & feeling that strength in being together. It was wonderful to have that back after all everyone has struggled with lately.
By Florence August 18, 2020
Thank you for such an important message and all the reinforcement tips. I really appreciate all that TOPS has done to help members through the pandemic. Keep up the great work!!
By Mary Ellen Porter August 17, 2020
Thank you so much for this wonderful message ! We have had some challenging times and I’m sure there will be more ! Also, thank you for the creative tips to keep us on track and motivated! Just one of many reasons I love TOPS. I look forward to reaching my goal someday. I know that TOPS will always be there to help make that happen.
By Jane August 17, 2020
My favorite quote since I was a kid is: “You can’t get a rainbow, without a cloud and thunderstorm, and your rainbow is just above the horizon”. This has always impacted me in all I have gone through. I know God is the ultimate in changing things for the better! Carol indeed, inspires me weekly. I’ve been with her since the beginning of online membership. She is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow in her motivation!
So for you Carol, I value and respect and try to remember, when things are down, as they sometimes are your inspiration and motivation come to mind. You are what you allow yourself to be is what my parents always taught, and their is truth in that!
I do not define myself by my weight or weight loss, but by how happy and healthy I am when I stay on the course. Thanks you and other Tops online members!
By Valerie Webb August 17, 2020
Always a pleasure to read my Monday moment of Truth. Reminds me to do my journal for the week !! Love the tip bits & articles to keep me on track. Our chapter hope to get back weighing in in September yeah!! We meet at a senior centre in Ingersoll ON.
By Betty Jo Allred August 17, 2020
Thank you so very much for such a wonderful story. Being positive is crucial for our success. I am blessed today and have a different mindset.
By Cindy Albert August 17, 2020
Very enlightening. I also am a positive person and have become somewhat depressed of late. For me it is more difficult dealing with the negative than the restrictions.