Real People. Real Weight Loss.®

Helping Millions to Take Off Pounds Sensibly Since 1948.

Overcoming Inertia

table of dessertsThe next contributor to our knowledge base is Gina Brueske, who is also TOPS Board Secretary, Retreat Assignment and Booking Director, and a KOPS.

Gina Brueske’s Lesson

Overcoming Inertia

Gina-BrueskeOne of the first things I learned during the pandemic is that I apparently wasn’t driven to do much during the first month or so of staying home. I was amazed at how so many people dove right in to clean closets, cupboards, garages, etc. Not that mine didn’t need attention, but knowing I didn’t have a schedule or anywhere in particular that I had to be, made me decide that I could do it tomorrow. Unfortunately, tomorrow never came.

Between us, I don’t think this is a good trait, and now I wish I had been more ambitious. After two months, I really didn’t accomplish much in the cleaning or sorting out department. Apparently, I must work more efficiently under pressure.

I did learn how to sleep in. I watched more news shows that were only repeats of the same news. It was refreshing to know my husband, Rich, and I (married for close to 53 years) still love each other and enjoy each other’s company. During this time while we’ve been confined to our house, we haven’t had a cross word between each other. We really are soulmates. We do depend on each other for many things.

I am so thankful for the lessons I’ve learned with TOPS and have been proud of both Rich and myself as KOPS. Neither of us gained any weight. Every day I cooked different meals that were on our food plan with things we had in the freezer. I only baked one time and it was something I love: rhubarb crisp. I made two and shared with my widowed brother-in-law. The rest of our rhubarb crop was taken to a local food bank so it wasn’t a further temptation. I know I have issues with desserts, and I learned long ago that if it isn’t in the house, I can’t eat it. Strange as it may seem to many, I don’t miss these things at all. I do credit TOPS for this lesson.

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