Real People. Real Weight Loss.®

Helping Millions to Take Off Pounds Sensibly Since 1948.

Real People… Real SAILing

I’m starting this year by inviting guest bloggers to share their own truths about weight-loss support and healthy living. Next to share is Board member and Secretary of TOPS Club, Inc. Gina Brueske. Gina is also the Booking and Assignment Director for TOPS Retreats. She spent some time as the New Year dawned reflecting on lessons she learned in the year just ending.

Real People… Real SAILing

by Gina Brueske

One lesson I relearned is that if one fails to plan, plans fail to take place. The most significant thing my husband, Rich, and I did last year was to volunteer to start a SAIL class to build strength, balance and fitness. SAIL, which stands for Stay Active and Independent for Life, is sponsored by the Washington State Department of Health, Injury & Violence Prevention Program. We became instructors in late 2013 and got an exercise routine and music to go with it. Once we got a group going we figured out which routine worked best for all of us. We do sitting, standing and walking exercises for strength, balance and fitness. We started in January of last year, meeting every Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm. I also conduct a class after the weekly TOPS meeting at our local Senior Center. Classes are free.

Man is engaged in windsurfing.

The difference this has made in our lives and in the lives of all who have joined us is immense. It is more fun to exercise in a group than it is to exercise by one’s self and knowing that others are counting on us to be present is beneficial. I will have to admit, on a few occasions when we have been driving to the class, I have hoped that no one will show up, and I won’t have to exercise. However, someone is always there. After we finish the class, we feel so much better.

If you are not exercising, please start, if only for a few minutes a day. Try to do more each week until you can (hopefully) do an hour, three times a week. You will be surprised at how much better you feel. Both Rich and I have maintained our KOPS status and neither of us were out of leeway for the year. Good luck to you in adding exercise to your health plan. The best gift you can give yourself is a healthy body.

My motto for 2015 is “Healthy and Lean in 2015”.

Remember… Your day will proceed the same way your mouth is turned. Keep smiling.

Thanks so much, Gina, for helping us SAIL through the choppier waters to better health!

I Care, Barb

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