Real People. Real Weight Loss.®

Helping Millions to Take Off Pounds Sensibly Since 1948.

Real People… Real “Saves” and “Deletes”

This week’s Monday Moment of Truth message comes from Regional Director Judy Hamilton.

Real People… Real “Saves” and “Deletes”

by Judy Hamilton

“As I was sitting in my office working on some papers, I started to think how my daily life closely parallels the function of the computer I use every day. When using this tool, I have to constantly make choices. What thoughts and actions will I choose to “save” or “delete” as I go about a busy day? What am I going to file for future reference? Where shall I file it so I can find it when I need it or want to make some modifications?

hard drive

This process clearly translated to our weight-loss journey in TOPS.
What choices are we going to make when it comes to our health and losing weight? How are we going to change our eating habits to become healthier?

Here are just a few thoughts that may translate to action choices:

I will not eat breakfast this morning – DELETE!
I will eat a sensible breakfast every morning – SAVE!

I will not walk today because I am tired and it’s too hot – DELETE!
I will walk early this morning while it’s still cool – SAVE!

I will put things that need doing on hold and just watch TV – DELETE!
I will make a plan, schedule what needs doing and get it done – SAVE!

I won’t eat or drink much today so I can show a loss at meeting – DELETE!
I will eat and drink as usual. My loss reflects the week’s effort – SAVE!

I can stay up late even if I have to rise early. Sleep is not important – DELETE!
I will make certain that I get enough rest to arise energized for the day – SAVE!

I have gained so I won’t go to my TOPS chapter meeting tonight – DELETE!
I will go to meeting, face the scales, and get some help from everyone – SAVE!

The list could go on and on. We need to save and store positive choices on the hard drives of our memory to use whenever similar choices arise again, and we need to delete those which block out progress. Life is full of choices. Let’s aim to free up space for more healthy choices as we work toward our goals!”

Thanks, Judy, for helping us remember to hold onto the good choices and let go of the ones that block progress.

I Care, Barb

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