Real People. Real Weight Loss.®

Helping Millions to Take Off Pounds Sensibly Since 1948.

Real People… Real Dreams

The “Monday Moment of Truth” carries the message of TOPS caring and support. It has been my honor to share my thoughts with you during the past four years and to receive your feedback each time. Because hearing from and listening to other members is such a fundamental part of TOPS, I have asked our Board and Regional Directors to share a personal “Monday Moment” of their own truth as 2015 begins.

I am privileged to work with some amazing leaders of our organization on a daily basis. We have shared challenges and techniques as we have worked to help members to find their own paths to a healthier life. I have appreciated their insight over the years and hope you will also.

Our first featured guest blogger is Ruth Gielow. Ruth is a Regional Director, Board member and second vice-president of TOPS Club, Inc. She reflects on lessons learned from the founder of our organization, Esther S. Manz.

Dreams and Esther S. Manz Memorial Garden

Believe In Your Dreams
My recent experience as chairman of the Esther S. Manz Memorial Garden Committee made me think of when I joined my TOPS Chapter. The Garden started with a Dream, much like when I joined TOPS, I dreamt of being healthy and feeling and looking better. The Garden had an Architect to design the plan just like when I discussed my eating plan with my family doctor.

Along the way, several of the planning processes, like selecting the perfect memorial garden stone, reminded me of selecting a healthy nutrition plan that was the perfect fit for me. Asking our members’ support in the development of the garden was much like the support I received from my fellow TOPS members at my chapter meetings. It was great to applaud our members along each step as the garden progressed, just as I had received similar applause and support as I continued my weight-loss journey and achieved my goal.

As we gathered for the ribbon cutting and the opening of the Esther S. Manz Memorial Garden built by members, joining together to encourage, inspire, motivate, reflect and appreciate the beauty that surrounds us, I recalled how my chapter celebrated and joined together to do the same for me when I reached my goal weight and my KOPS status. This was just the way Esther Manz, our “TOPS Mom,” envisioned it. Even after I lost my status, my chapter is there encouraging and supporting me. All of Esther’s dreams and my TOPS dreams were achieved by the support of our fellow dedicated TOPS members.

Thanks for sharing with us, Ruth!

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