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Real People… Real Life Story

Most successful companies, institutions and organizations have mission statements. Most individuals do not. Our value systems are largely formed with no conscious awareness of the input of daily information. From our earliest years, we are exposed to a variety of role models. Watching and listening, we acquire some of their beliefs and behavior patterns. Often, we adopt them as our own, becoming what we have been exposed to the most. Suddenly, we become a product of their mission statement and not our own.

Recognizing the formative influence of life experiences is critical. What if, rather than blindly following the paths of others, we could script, cast, rehearse and broadcast the story of our lives? What if we could create our own mission statement? The reality, of course, is we can. Life is a do-it-to-yourself proposition. We have the ability to choose our own direction. Once we have determined our goals, our mission statements, we can then begin writing the story of our lives.

The high achievers in our society do this every day. Consider that as a child in England, he spent hours creating cardboard sets for his puppet shows to entertain his family. Today, Andrew Lloyd Webber is one of the most prolific and renowned writers in the history of musical theatre.

Lights Camera Action

You are the star of your life and you write the script. As this New Year starts, consider what your personal mission statement is and how you are planning to reach that goal? Are you just blindly accepting the behaviors and beliefs of those to whom you are exposed the most? There is great truth in the idea that we will become a product of our predominant thoughts. What are you currently thinking? I think this is going to be a magnificent new year for us to become the stars of our own lives.

I Care, Barb

Let the play begin!

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