Real People. Real Weight Loss.®

Helping Millions to Take Off Pounds Sensibly Since 1948.

Real People… Real Image

In Fairy Tales, the mirror has played a significant role. The Queen in Snow White, driven by the need to be the “fairest of them all,” was unable to see the possibilities beyond her reflection. Alice, on the other hand, saw beyond her reflected image to a world of wonder and intrigue. It appears that in today’s society people are still influenced by the image they see reflected back to them; not by a mirror, but the people around them.

Fairy princess holding a bag of magic dust .

Too often, we allow our self-images to be determined by what others reflect back to us through their words and actions. We begin to believe that we are our reflection. What if, like Alice, we were able to see the possibilities beyond such superficial images? What if, the mirror only reflects who we are at this point, and not who we can be? In our meetings each week, we sometimes see others who are struggling with this concept, often going home in disappointment, unable to see beyond the results of the scale for one night, to the accomplishments and success that lie ahead. Sadly, these beautiful people allow their self-images to be tarnished by one reflection.

Let’s resolve to make certain that those who are struggling understand that they are more than a number on a scale. That is not a complete reflection in the mirror. Let’s help each other to see the possibilities that lie beyond.

Magic mirror on the wall

I can’t listen to them all.

Words that hurt, intent that’s mean,

If I don’t fit in, they make a scene.

The power is mine, I have the choice

To ignore their words, dismiss their voice.

I’m so much more than they can see,

Who I become is up to ME!

I Care, Barb

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