Real People. Real Weight Loss.®

Helping Millions to Take Off Pounds Sensibly Since 1948.

Real People… Real Friendship

IRD Calgary Alberta 2013What an exciting long weekend I have experienced! I have just returned from IRD in Calgary, Alberta where I witnessed amazing proof of the success of our TOPS members. If it is true that that one picture is worth a thousand words, then the accomplishments of one person are worth a million words! It is a life changing story!

This was a very personal IRD for me. An amazing lady who I have known for most of her life achieved an incredible goal… the loss of over 300 pounds. It was my honor to be able to present her with the very first 300-pound TOPS Century Award for that achievement!

She has had many set-backs, obstacles and challenges during her journey but she has persevered and triumphed! I look at Jo and have renewed hope for every member of TOPS. Her candle is burning brightly to help each of us find the way to goal!

Jo Cooper, congratulations on your incredible success and thanks for your inspiration!!

Jo Cooper Before and After Losing 300 Pounds

I Care, Barb

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