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In many bedrooms throughout the land are treadmills and stationary bikes collecting dust or being used as clothes racks. We purchased the equipment because it would help us get fit, be healthier and become more toned. All are definitely desirable goals. The trouble was, we found the tedious hours of effort required to reach those goals were boring or not worth the effort. We wanted the end result without fully considering the journey it would take to get there.

Woman Running On Treadmill

On reflection, I remember similar goals of one of my sons who had to have a guitar (He was certain this would attract the girls.), a niece who wanted to become a ballerina (All ballerinas were slender and graceful.), a friend’s son who wanted a career in the Navy (It was a great way to see the world.). Feel free to add to the list. All of them learned that there are no shortcuts. Practice and learning the chords was certainly necessary for sweet licks. Barre work, limbering and repetitive movements were essential to learn just the most basic ballet positions. Training, meeting standards of excellence and going where most needed were required by the military. The reality is that if you desire the outcome, you must be willing take the necessary steps to achieve it.

Let’s consider how we approach the goals of our lives. Do we have our sights set on outcomes, yet are unwilling to do the work required to get us there? Maybe we need to uncover and dust off that equipment, put it in a place it can be easily accessed and actually use it. Or maybe even better, we should call a friend and commit to walk with him or her at a certain time and place several days a week. I am pretty certain that if I apply myself and spend more time doing instead of dreaming, I might actually see those goals coming into view around the bend.

I Care, Barb

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