Real People. Real Weight Loss.®

Helping Millions to Take Off Pounds Sensibly Since 1948.

Still on The Road – Read the signs – Limits

Thanksgiving weekend was wonderful and I am thankful! It was an awesome family gathering filled with love, laughter, fun, family, friend and food! I am absolutely grateful the ability to love is limitless! My weigh-in a short time ago shows that I faired well in the food choices department and my heart is filled to overflowing! The Choice was Mine and I am happy with the process and results.

As a new feature of our get-together, we decided to put “no dish limit” on it! By that I mean that those contributing dishes were asked to bring something new for the table. I know, the eyes and mouths are wide open at the thought of “no broccoli casserole”!

Waiter hand holding silver tray

We made our big meal an exciting adventure. Everyone opened their minds to discovering new contributions. It’s sort of like turning onto a road just because you wanted to know where it went? You’ll never know unless you try. Do yourself a favor… try a new food each week, or try a new recipe with a food you already know you love. You may decide you like the new recipe. This can add variety to an otherwise boring menu plan. The worst that can happen is that you learn that this isn’t going to make the “love it” list.

One of the reasons that I enjoy using the plate system and the exchange system that are outlined in The Choice is Mine is that they allow for adventures in eating and are healthy ways to enjoy foods. Being healthy should always be our primary objective. Through the years, I’ve had such fun altering old favorite recipes into delicious, healthier versions that quietly appear often at family gatherings to be enjoyed by everyone.

Enjoy the journey of discovering your new lifestyle! I am proud of each of you because you are making the effort and that makes each of you a winner. Life is not a spectator sport… it requires participation. Don’t limit your horizons but don’t exceed the Feed Limit as you go along! The world is open before you and you get to choose which path you will take today! You are the one in the driver’s seat!

Have a great week and let me hear what you are finding along the way to your next goal. Wishing all of you light weighs this week…

I Care, Barb

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