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Real People… Really Refresh

As I look out my window, it is refreshing to see the signs of spring everywhere! New flowers have peeked through the ground, trees are sprouting blossoms, and the grass is turning from that winter brown to a deep shade of green. It is truly a time for renewal. Following the harshness of the winter months here in the mountains of West Virginia, nature has a way of regenerating, becoming stronger than it was before.

As people, we too have periods of harshness with which we must deal. There are times when we seem to be treading water or even moving backwards. Sometimes, we need to take a break to regain our footing so that we can more effectively go on. Today, as spring has finally popped through to stay for a while and the last frost of the year has passed, plan a few “days off” from your regular routine to relax and regenerate. Recharge your batteries in the warm sun. Appreciate just being in the moment. I highly recommend it.

Recognize the opportunity a fresh start gives you. When you face those difficult stretches in your life…and you will…know that there will soon be a period of rejuvenation, regeneration and regrowth. Seize the moment when it comes. It is your opportunity to reset your footing so that you may continue forward. Just like we look forward to the freshness of spring, let’s look forward to the freshness a new start offers us after a difficult struggle. It is time to click that mental “refresh” button to clear out the cobwebs that cloud and confuse our thinking. Carpe momentum!

I Care, Barb


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