Real People. Real Weight Loss.®

Helping Millions to Take Off Pounds Sensibly Since 1948.

Real People… Really, Murphy!

Nothing is as easy as it looks; everything takes longer than you expect; and if anything can go wrong, it will, and at the worst possible moment. We know this as Murphy’s Law. If you believe in it, you are the type of person who can find a problem in every solution. However, what if Murphy was wrong? What if the Law really states; Nothing is as hard as it looks; everything is more rewarding than you expect; and if anything can go right, it will and at the best possible moment?

To a large degree, our thoughts govern our actions. If that is true, the question is, are we governed by negative or positive thoughts? History is full of stories of experts who said things could not be done and were proven wrong. You see, negative thinkers see only what they CAN see….not what they MAY see. They hear what they CAN hear, not what they MAY hear. They think what they CAN think….not what they MAY think! As a result, they become what they CAN become….not what they MAY become. CAN deals with the “what is now” not with the “what might be possible”.

Hand pushing I can instead of I can't button.

Surround yourself with positive thinkers. Remember that what is possible is not always achieved quickly and endorsed enthusiastically. Know that one of the greatest discoveries of our time is that beginning today, you may choose to change your attitude and become free from negative thinking. NOTHING is as hard as it looks; EVERYTHING is more rewarding than you expect; and if anything can go right, IT WILL, and at the best possible moment!

Be a MAY-sayer and a possibility-BELIEVER!

I care, Barb

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