Real People. Real Weight Loss.®

Helping Millions to Take Off Pounds Sensibly Since 1948.

Real People… Really Can Change!

Change is apt to occur when we realize we can change.

While hopping about one day, a frog happened to fall into a very large pothole. All his attempts at jumping out were in vain. Soon a rabbit came upon the frog and offered to help him out. He, too, failed. After various animals from the forest made attempts to help the frog out, they finally gave up. “We will go back and get some food,” they said. “It looks like you are going to be here awhile.” However, not long after they took off to get food, they heard the frog hopping along after them. They couldn’t believe it. “We thought you couldn’t get out,” they exclaimed. “Oh, I couldn’t,” replied the frog. “But you see, there was a big truck coming right at me, and I had to.”

I love this little parable because it reminds me that having no choice will determine the success of one’s attitude change more than the desire to change. There seem to be three times in our lives when we are receptive to change. First, when we hurt so much that we are forced to change; second, when we become bored and restless; third, and most importantly, change is apt to occur when we realize we CAN change. One of the greatest challenges we face as adults is to understand that the limits we put on ourselves yesterday do not need not limit us today!

Life is a changing process. Each day is filled with numerous opportunities for change, and you don’t need to wait for that big truck to be coming right at you before you decide to change. Nothing sparks the desire for change more than the realization that you do not have to stay the same. You CAN change. The choice is yours!

I care, Barb

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