Real People. Real Weight Loss.®

Helping Millions to Take Off Pounds Sensibly Since 1948.

Real People… Real Crossroads

All of us are born with some innate talents. With effort, we can take these talents and develop them into excellent skills. These endure and grow through time IF we continue to hone them. Our daily commitment remains necessary to shape each day into a masterpiece and help tomorrow become a success.

I was talking with a fellow TOPS member the other day who was really down in the dumps. Several of her friends were making great progress and would soon be reaching their goals while she was unable to see that as a possibility in her future. She blamed this on the conditions in her life to this point. Her inability to make progress was somebody or something else’s fault. By allowing these challenging conditions to determine her success, her commitment level fell.

In contrast, her friends who were actually in very similar situations were basing their actions on mindful choices. They have realized the power they have in their own lives and have come to understand that each choice is a crossroad. It is a time to either confirm or compromise their commitments. They have learned that while they cannot control all circumstances, nor can they control others, they can choose how they will respond. The things they are doing to succeed are a function of the decisions they are making within whatever conditions they find themselves.

Commitment doesn’t come easy, but when you are fighting for something you believe in, the struggle is worth it. However, John Maxwell pointed out that “If you start today to do the right thing, you are already a success even if it doesn’t show yet.”

Which Direction?

Each of us reaches a crossroads where we have the choice as to which path we take. Do I choose the path that confirms my commitment to be healthier, or will I allow conditions to decide for the course me? Remember: “no choice” is a choice! Nothing is easier than saying, “I’m committed”. Nothing is more difficult than living that commitment day after day by the many choices you will make. So which path will you take? The choice…is yours.

I Care, Barb

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