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Real People… Real Unpredictability

SNOW DAY! Every kid looks forward to them. Their parents…maybe not so much! Some of my friends and coworkers often look forward to an impending storm with joyful thoughts of an unscheduled day off. Others scurry out to stock the cupboards with necessities and enjoy what the weather brings. What Mother Nature always brings us is CHANGE. Here in West Virginia there is a saying, “If you don’t like the weather, just wait 15 minutes. It will change!” Snow days disrupt the natural flow of our days. They can be another interruption among the already too many distractions in our journey toward success. They can make us cranky!

Success is a lifestyle, not an event—a lifestyle created by doing things the right way pretty much all of the time. Snow days, on the other hand, are an event of sorts. Flying down the hill on a sled, building snowmen and having snowball battles are all part of this event. None of these may seem to move us closer to our success goals. However, they can serve as a chance to look at our journey from another angle. They may necessitate that we do things in a new or different way. They help us realize that not everything is always within our control. However, we can control how we look at the change, how we adapt and how we overcome! Snow days are exciting and help us to think outside the box…if we keep a positive attitude!

Kids sledding down a hill

All of us should have “snow days” in our lives. Consider why this random break from your daily routine brings such smiles to the faces of all those involved. While there are many distractions to our lives and we can manage many of them, we cannot manage all of them. They can be the spice of life…a way of adding seasoning to what could be a stale routine. They help remind us to go with the flow, steer carefully through it and enjoy the view. Maybe it’s time to wax up the rails and head for the nearest hill. After that, maybe I can find a good snowball battle. Change clears out the cobwebs of our thinking and makes living brighter…if we embrace the gifts contained in the “snow days” of our lives!

I Care, Barb

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