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The Present

Ah, ’tis the day after the feast of roast beast at our house, and all are still glowing with the warmth of family, friends and fellowship that is so plentiful during the season. Of course, there is much to do “after” and with a deep sigh and a gathering of tissue paper, I begin…

When you start your day, do you have a “Have To Do” list which defines many of your actions as the day unfolds before you? If someone asked you what were the most important items in each day, would the stuff on your list be there?

To me love, health and joy are the most important parts of each day. These are the things on my “get to do” list. I get to love, I get to work at being healthy and I get to share joy. The things on this list make my life worthwhile. When I focus my best efforts on the “Get to”s of life, it seems that the “Have to”s still get done, and I even enjoy them more. I have learned that I cannot go back in time and redo anything that has already been done. Neither can I teleport myself into the future and grab time not yet given to me. So, I must focus on today, use it well and then put it to rest when done.

Gift with stars floating out of it

Today is a gift, not an obligation. Keep that focus each and every day. That is why they call today the “present”. Enjoy all the wonderful things you get to do and treasure the memories of the weekend as you stuff the tissue and boxes into a bag for recycling!

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