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Still on the Road… Intent or Action?

While not a huge baseball fan, I usually enjoy watching not only the Little League World Series but also the MLBA World Series each year. I am always mystified when a baseball player “watches a called strike three,” leaving the decision up to the umpire. And then, the batter becomes angry that he has been called “out”!

When the ball is thrown, the batter has complete control over success and failure. The batter holds the bat and gets to decide to swing…or not! At that point, intent has little relevance. The only thing that truly matters is action. By choosing not to swing, the decision regarding a success “at bat” is given up to the umpire.

Intent versus action is concept I have found myself pondering a great deal of late. My fellow chapter members arrive at meeting early to share weight-loss tips and how they relate to our progress toward various goals. I truly believe we come with great intent, yet too often, intent is not followed by action. When each week begins, we have complete control over success and failure. If, like the baseball player, we choose to keep the bat (intent) on our shoulders and not take full advantage of the opportunity to hit one out of the park, we are relegating our success or failure to someone else.

So, this week, each time we step up to the plate, consider whether you will swing the bat, or watch a called strike three. Sure, sometimes by not swinging at a bad pitch, you get rewarded by going to first base, but how often does that walk equate to true success? Certainly, I understand the importance of intent, yet intent never accomplished anything; it takes action to hit the ball out of the park.

Swing batter, batter, swing!

Baseball Batter at Bat

I Care, Barb

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