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Still on the road but… Where the heck am I?

Man Questioning as he looks at U-Turn Sign

Have you ever lost your way when traveling? Did you make a wrong turn, overshoot an exit, read the map wrong? Did you have to recalculate?

This can happen to the best of us… even with the best of intentions. I can still hear my grandmother saying, “The devil’s highway is paved with good intentions.” It took me years to figure out that what she meant was that meaning well or intending to do something won’t necessarily accomplish anything or get us where we want to go.

When we find ourselves wandering around on the wrong road, we need to quit wasting time and make a “ME TURN” (as my friend Deniece says) and then, head out in the right direction.

Our vision may be dimming, and it may even be time to turn on the headlights and shine a little light on the path we are traveling. There is no point in wasting time and effort stumbling around trying to find your way in the dark when help is at hand to guide you back on your own personal super highway to success.

What do you see that can be changed, avoided, or repositioned that will insure that the road that you are traveling is the right one for you?

I Care, Barb

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