Real People. Real Weight Loss.®

Helping Millions to Take Off Pounds Sensibly Since 1948.

Real People… Real Monday

Today, we hear of a special calendar to help us along our way from Nancy Marasco. Nancy is a member of the Board and First Vice-president of TOPS.

Real People… Real Monday

by Nancy Marasco

Have you spent a portion of your life working to lose weight or make better food choices? Most of us seem to fit into that category and hold the desire in common. Surveys have shown that Monday is the day that most people choose to make a new start. But then as the week wears on, we seem to have difficulty maintaining our motivation. It is very tempting to just decide to give up, get through the weekend and then start again on Monday. Is there a way to use the inspiration we wake up to on Monday to help us get through the entire week?

Happy business woman with an idea

Maybe, we need to make “Monday Motivation” a game we play in our minds. Let’s choose to conclude that every day is Monday. Put a note on the bathroom mirror that says “I have decided that today is MONDAY”. When we begin to veer away from “Monday Motivation”, let’s say aloud, “I choose every day to be MONDAY”.

Use your imagination to find ways to pretend it is MONDAY. It may come as a bit of a surprise to discover how much creativity we possess. Meditate on what it feels like to have a new start whenever you need one. This takes no equipment and costs nothing. It just requires a few quiet minutes to rethink. Our thoughts can help us reach and maintain our goals.

Reject any thought that you are not in control. Hold your ground! Don’ give up! Every day can be a Monday filled with hope, determination and enthusiasm!

Thanks so much, Nancy. Everday is MONDAY! Our minds are powerful tools!

I Care, Barb

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