Respect means a great deal to me. I believe we owe a measure of respect to every human being we meet, whether that person is family, friend or foe, young or old, the CEO of a major corporation or a panhandler. Without a basic level of respect, societies can’t function. Without respect, teams can’t function! The purpose of teamwork is not to make everyone on the team think alike. Teamwork respects differences between people and depends on this diversity to help the group accomplish a common goal.
When respect breaks down within a team, our differences can destroy us. Being open to the strengths and weaknesses of others, and aware of our own, and finding ways to blend our diverse skills together allows us to be more successful. I love the following quote from C. William Pollard, chairman of the ServiceMaster Company: “Diversity without unity makes about as much sense as dishing up flour, sugar, water, eggs, shortening and baking powder on a plate and calling it a cake.”
Be respectful of others. While you don’t need to like everyone on your team or socialize with them, you must respect his or her right to be on the team with you. Expect the same respect in turn. By respecting and trusting one another, we are much better able to blend our individual skills and talents with those of the rest of the team. By allowing each facet of the team to shine, we become brilliant beacons of hope and success. Respect is perhaps the greatest gift we can share with another!
By Marion Switzer March 11, 2018
What timely words for a world with many issues. Congrats on your retirement, now you will really be busy. Thank the good Lord for TOPS. I am 90 now and weigh less than I did as a teeny bopper. My advice to the ladies “don’t wait until you’re 80 to become a KOPS”.
Aloha, Marion
By Barb Cady March 12, 2018
Thanks so much for such sterling proof that we can always improve upon our lives!
By Konnie Stewart March 5, 2018
Wise words. Thank you.