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Real People … In their own words… the letter D

Decide, Delicious, Doable, Deserve, Develop

Decide, Delicious, Doable, Deserve, Develop

Have you ever noticed that people who quit don’t give up at the bottom of the mountain, they stop halfway up? Nobody sets out with the purpose of losing. The problem is often a mistaken belief that success will come easily. Those who quit fall into two categories: those who don’t realize the price of success, and those who know the price but are unwilling to pay it.

I would like to think I have the power to give people I meet the will to succeed, but I don’t. I wish I could adequately describe the importance of sacrifice and commitment, but I can’t. I wish I could convince them that the price of failure is far greater than the price of success, but I can’t. Each day, we should diligently attempt to share life lessons learned. Yet in truth, we know that we cannot force others to learn these things. Each must decide in his or her own heart whether the goal is worth the price that must be paid. We can show others what is doable, how they can develop necessary skills and how delicious the taste of success is, as well as what to expect to pay in order to succeed. It is their job to decide if they want to pay it!

No one can move closer to his or her potential without paying in some way to get there. Maybe former General and President Dwight D. Eisenhower put it best when he said, “There are no victories at bargain prices.” Yes, I know the price sometimes appears too great, but you can’t see the magnificent view from the top of the mountain by remaining at the bottom. And I can assure you, the view up here is spectacular!

Missed the beginning of our journey through the alphabet? Check out the rest of Getting Back to Basics.

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