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A Hopeful Song

bend like the willow treeI’m an audio learner. Sounds paint pictures in my mind and crystalize my thoughts. Often, I close my eyes and just listen. Even the sounds of silence can be meaningful. Therefore, it’s no big surprise to anyone who knows this about me that I love music of all kinds.

Several years ago while attending a speaker’s presentation with a friend, I had the opportunity to meet singer-songwriter Jana Stanfield. Many of you may be familiar with her upbeat, positive music and thought-provoking, reflective lyrics. I was particularly looking forward to listening to her message. It was a small gathering and I had the opportunity to meet her briefly. We connected by chance and formed a precious friendship. With her permission, I’m starting our 2021 series of blogs paraphrasing lyrics of one of her best-known songs: “Let the Change Begin.”

The insight and understanding that I’ve gained from that song through the years has been incredible. Even more so this year, its message of hope echoes quietly in my head. The insights and understanding of the time in which we have found ourselves recently ring crystal-clear. The tempo of the song lends itself powerfully to the lyrics. It starts slowly, deliberately, and contemplatively and builds to an upbeat crescendo of happiness.

  • Lesson 1 – I don’t have the power to change the world.
  • Lesson 2 (in spite of Lesson 1) – It’s not helpful to sit on the couch and mope and moan about these circumstances. I must begin.
  • Lesson 3 Be flexible. Bend like a willow, and don’t be so rigid that you snap and break. Find a way.
  • Lesson 4 – Be patient, courageous, determined and focused.
  • Lesson 5 – I have the strength to be the change that I wish to see.

During the many changes in 2020, I played this song often to help me uplift my spirit. In the process, I gradually became stronger, embraced new technologies, connected in fresh ways, redefined essentials and reconnected with my own inner happiness. This fresh new year is a true time of celebration. I’m excited and ready to make the most of each day. I look forward to joining you on an amazing journey.

I Care, Barb

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