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Rewriting Your Story

New Year 2020 on blackboard

This is a perfect time to reflect on what we wish to achieve and what we have accomplished. What gift will you give yourself to empower you to make the New Year that is fast approaching bright and joyful? How do you see yourself as this new chapter is opened and begins to unfold? How will you define yourself? Do you accept responsibility for your actions, and will you be accountable for your choices? Will you focus on increasing your positive thoughts and decreasing the negative ones? Remember, as we have discussed before, we are what we think we are.

To clarify our minds and make certain we focus on living our best lives amidst all of the hustle and bustle of the season, let’s take a few moments to give ourselves the gift of creating a vision board. Assemble some old magazines, newspapers, flyers, small trinkets, a piece of poster board, some markers, scissors and glue. Now, let your mind drift through the questions posed and find images, words, textures, shapes and objects that reflect the questions and your answers, which will serve to remind you of your journey. If you like, invite friends and family to create their own vision boards with you and engage them in helping you create yours.

The conversations and insights that this activity generates are amazing. Selecting images, words and items that reflect what we see as our mission, goals, commitment, attitude and purpose, help us map the path we take and prepare us to see and handle roadblocks that may arise. Post your vision board where you will see it daily. Do not hesitate as you progress to modify it as needed. This is how you see your best self.

I Care, Barb

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