Whenever this topic crosses my mind, I hear coach and trainer Zig Ziglar saying that it is time for “a checkup from the neck up” and time to “stop stinkin’ thinkin’.”
Dr. Michelle Robin states that “Your mind will always believe everything you tell it.” Since we have about 40,000 thoughts every day, what we say to ourselves is extremely powerful. When someone we highly value utters a remark we take as negative, it may get stuck in our minds and in our self-talk. It is repeated thousands of times with huge impact.
Attitude affects our thoughts and behaviors. A positive one may be the most valuable asset you own. The good news is that you always have the power to make your attitude better. It’s your choice but it does take work to turn a negative attitude into a more positive one.
Each day, I set aside time to reflect and review my current attitudes. I try to be neither a Negative Nellie or a Pollyanna and search for the good to build upon. In other words, my glass is neither half empty nor half full. The glass has water in it, which quenches my thirst and can be refilled. I have the choice to replenish my glass and friends to help me find a safe source.
All of us know that change is a fact of life. It is always present. It is not always within our control. It is not always what we would desire. Fortunately, how we respond to change is within our control. Change is an opportunity. We can learn from it, modify what we can, deal with what is beyond our ability as best we can, enlist help and focus on positive outcomes and a better life.
To use Ziglar’s phrase, if my thinkin’ is stinkin’, what or who is affecting my attitudes? I invite you to get out your notebook and join me in examining our attitudes. How can I improve my outlook? What past successes and happy experiences can I draw upon? What is the purpose I pursue with joyful passion? What excites and motivates me to make the best use of this day? Who will support me as I move through difficulties, overcome challenges and keep me focused on achieving my best life?
I Care, Barb
By AQW August 21, 2022
Adventure Quest Worlds
By Mary Rismeyer June 28, 2019
I love this! Zig lost some weight at one point in his life. I think he created what we now call smart goals. He used to say something to the effect of “you have to state it, announce it to the world, track it, and put a time line on it.” Well this was in the 90’s but it was something like that. I will share this with my group. Thanks!
By Patricia Sanchez June 24, 2019
I totally agree that keeping a positive attitude in our weight loss journey. TOPS meetings and members keep me persevering and staying positive. I Also stay close to the Lord, who holds me up, supports me and answers my prayers in my weight loss journey. I am blessed.
By Florene Shaw June 24, 2019
I so appreciate this article for myself and for our club as I will be sharing with them. We have had discussion on attitude and this will give more food for thought!!! I like that it isn’t all about weight or food, but speaks to our daily walk!! Thank you so much!!!
By Janet Long June 24, 2019
Thanks for the info. I enjoy reading things from TOPS. I have met a lot of nice people & learned a lot from TOPS.I will be in TOPS 20 years next year. It doesn”t seem it has been that long but time goes by fast. Thanks TOPS.Love TOPS
By Janet Long June 24, 2019
Thanks for the positive for today. I enjoy reading these from TOPS. I enjoy being a part of TOPS. I have met a lot of very nice people since I joined TOPS. Next year I will be in TOPS 20 years. It doesn”t seem it”s been that long but time does go fast. Thanks TOPS
By Florence Wilton June 24, 2019
I always appreciate the messages so much I print them to read them out at my next chapter meeting. Is it possible for TOPS to include a printable version that would fit on one 8 by 11 page? Printing three pages is unnecessary. Thank you for considering this suggestion.