envelope with thank you text
Lifestyle, Motivation, Nutrition, Weight Loss, Wellness

Wellness Wednesday Favorites – Part 1

Well friends, after nearly a decade of writing Wellness Wednesday, it’s time for me to say goodbye. What started as a simple “we should start a blog” conversation in 2013 has evolved into countless posts and one of the most supportive communities I’ve ever known. I’m so grateful for all of my readers who kept me writing and sharing, even…

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woman doing breathing exercises
Health, Stress, Wellness

3 Breathing Exercises to Ease Stress

Pause for a moment and take a deep breath in through your nose, and out through your mouth. Close your eyes and repeat this two more times, focusing on slow and controlled breaths. Sometimes in our pursuit of health and wellness, it can be easy to overcomplicate things. But something as simple as setting aside a few moments to focus…

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focus on the present by letting a butterfly lay on your hand
Stress, Wellness

A Quick Reminder to Focus on the Present

I write this still riding the high of our city’s beloved Milwaukee Bucks winning their first championship in 50 years. I say “our city” despite having moved to Madison in May; Milwaukee will always be another home. One of my favorite moments from the final game was right at the very end: Giannis Antetokounmpo, smack dab in the center of…

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Welcome Spring graphic
Lifestyle, Motivation, Stress, Time Management, Wellness

Spring Clean Your Healthy Lifestyle by Getting Rid of These 3 Things

Signs that spring is here to stay and that summer isn’t far behind are coming to life everywhere you look. Some of us may not be feeling our usual “spring cheer” … and that’s okay. The last year has brought unprecedented challenges and changes to all our lives. We could all benefit from a self-care check-in. To be clear, I am NOT a licensed…

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