Stress, Wellness

A Quick Reminder to Focus on the Present

colorful butterfly laying on a woman's hand

I write this still riding the high of our city’s beloved Milwaukee Bucks winning their first championship in 50 years. I say “our city” despite having moved to Madison in May; Milwaukee will always be another home. One of my favorite moments from the final game was right at the very end: Giannis Antetokounmpo, smack dab in the center of thousands of screaming fans, cameras, reporters, and confetti, took a small moment to grab a courtside chair and take it all in. Despite a (wonderfully) frenzied circus swirling around him, he paused and took in that moment. His moment.

Writing as someone who struggles daily/hourly to stop, breathe, relax, and take it all in, my anxious heart skipped a little appreciative beat for Giannis. What a perfect reminder to just … pause for a second. You don’t have to win an NBA championship (again, after. 50. years.) to appreciate a moment. It can be as simple as sitting with a cup of coffee or scratching your dog’s ears.

This week’s message is simple — the next time you find your brain racing through your daily to-do list or worrying about the future, pause for a few seconds. Take notice of your surroundings, think about something that fills you with gratitude, and take a few deep breaths. Sometimes in our pursuit of health and wellness, it can be easy to overcomplicate things. But something as simple as setting aside a few moments to focus on your breath can help you appreciate the present.

Like any new skill, learning to be more present takes work. What little moments are you choosing to focus on this week?

7 thoughts on “A Quick Reminder to Focus on the Present

  1. Thank you. We are getting ready to travel and I need this message today. 101 things to do and a really tight schedule. Ahhhhhhh….I’m just sitting right now and feeling gratitude that we are able to travel this year; and that we will be camping with family friends.

    Life is good.

  2. Congratulations to the city of Milwaukee and Bucks. I was a Milwaukee Braves fan till they left the city. I was crushed but then became a Cubs fan. Change is difficult but now I’m a bleed Cubbie Blue Die Hard. I know what frustration is and taking in the moment to enjoy success. It took our Cubbies 100 years to finally win the World Series and look what’s going on with them now. Struggles happen in life that’s why it’s called life and we hopefully have learned how to breathe and slow down and enjoy the great small moments of success we have in our life. Thanks Maggie. LOVE this Wed. Wellness!

  3. Thanks for the Wellness Wednesday blogs. I love the reminder to focus on the present. I hope the Suns can experience that winning moment for the first time. Congratulations from Arizona.

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