fruit and veggies in season at the farmers market
Lifestyle, News, Nutrition, Recipes

4 Foods You Might Find at a Fall Farmers Market (And What to Do With Them)

One thing I’m very grateful for in my new city is only living a few short miles from one of the best farmers markets in the country. The Dane County Farmers Market is a Madison staple and the perfect way to spend a Saturday morning. Plus, local in-season produce tends to be fresher, more nutritious and cheaper than food shipped…

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Welcome Spring graphic
Lifestyle, Motivation, Stress, Time Management, Wellness

Spring Clean Your Healthy Lifestyle by Getting Rid of These 3 Things

Signs that spring is here to stay and that summer isn’t far behind are coming to life everywhere you look. Some of us may not be feeling our usual “spring cheer” … and that’s okay. The last year has brought unprecedented challenges and changes to all our lives. We could all benefit from a self-care check-in. To be clear, I am NOT a licensed…

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puppy wearing a scarf and sitting in fall leaves
Lifestyle, Nutrition, Recipes

A Roundup of Fall Favorites

With so many things beyond our control and an endless news cycle that takes an emotional toll, it’s important now more than ever to find comfort in familiar favorites. Whether it’s a brisk walk through the leaves with a friend or the warm aroma of a pumpkin-spiced treat, fall brings us simple reminders to stop, breathe and savor. Take a…

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two women social distancing
Health, Lifestyle

5 Tips for Celebrating Safely This Summer

After being apart for nearly a year, I’m excited to finally visit my sister and celebrate her birthday. As we anxiously plan for the safest way to celebrate, my mind is filled with questions like, should we hug? Will other people around? Will everyone respect the six-feet-apart rule? I don’t want my constant swirl of thoughts to overshadow the happiness…

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