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Real People… In their own words… the letter A

A is for ability, admit, action, adapt and aware.

Ability, Admit, Action, Adapt, Aware

One of the many things I have always enjoyed is speaking with a group of people. It is a style of communication that allows a coach or a leader to motivate others by giving feedback in such a way that the individual really listens to the instructions and/or criticisms. He or she is not motivated by fear, but by the desire to reach new levels and to make the coach proud of his or her efforts.

The name “Speaking Greatness” was coined by author Rod Olson in his book, The Legacy Builder. It is a process in which you can capture the heart of the athlete. Once you have captured the heart, the desired performance will follow. Some coaches lead by pushing their players to work hard and get better. The action of “Speaking Greatness” requires the coach to push less and lead and encourage more. People make mistakes. All of us do! When a player makes a mistake, it is the job of the coach to review what happened with them and help them become aware of how they can correct it and adapt to prevent it from happening again. Good leaders teach their players that, when they make a mistake, there are only three things they can do: admit it, fix it and learn from it. The focus must be on correction and process.

All of us have the opportunity to use our words in very positive ways today and every day. We want leaders and mentors who are genuine and caring. It is good to show up, but it is not enough. All of us want and need authentic coaching and feedback. The more we can help each other understand how much we care about everyone’s well-being, the more we trust and make each other proud of our efforts. The ability to motivate others is about 90 percent trust! As a leader and coach, if I can gain people’s trust, I can help them realize (and become) their best selves.

What “A” words are key to your positive self-talk?

Missed the beginning of our journey through the alphabet? Check out the rest of Getting Back to Basics.

Members, are you following along? If you want to create your own words to enrich your positive self-talk, download Real People … An Alphabet Adventure from the Chapter Contests and Activities in the Members Area of our website.

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