Real People. Real Weight Loss.®

Helping Millions to Take Off Pounds Sensibly Since 1948.

Real People… Emulate Rocky

Lady with angel and devin

The first 30 minutes were grueling. My legs seemed heavy, and I was having a difficult time finding a comfortable rhythm. Quickly, that little voice in my head began to encourage me to just give up. “You are tired,” it said. “It won’t hurt you to wait another day to start back!” As I concluded that first mile, I stepped off the treadmill. Some days, the most difficult thing to do is “keep on, keeping on!”

My lungs and legs seemed content with the choice, my brain, on the other hand, was screaming at me! “Get back on the treadmill, you wimp! Quitting is not an acceptable choice.” So, I stepped back on, reset the timer for 30 more minutes and commenced walking briskly, aiming for a 16-minute mile. Just think…I almost gave up! How often do we begin something, only to give up on it because it seems too hard, too uncomfortable or like too much work? Sometimes, we simply have to take a minute to refocus on the task at hand. One of the tricks I use is playing music from “Rocky” and “Chariots of Fire” to remind me of someone who has been successful in the face of overwhelming challenges. I repeat to myself, “If they can do it, so can I!” It helps me to see that the greatest challenge I am facing is in my own mind!

I know the urge to give up will strike again. When it does, I am ready to take a moment to refocus, turn the music up a bit and remember the story that inspired it. I can picture myself going the distance with every step. My challenges are nowhere close to theirs, and “if they can do it…so can I!” Are you prepared to face that inner voice when the going gets tough?

We’re one month in to TOPS Million Pounds Mission to lose ten or more pounds or be a KOPS in leeway. How are you doing?

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