The average adult spends the majority of his or her day at work. Even if your workday includes a trip to the gym afterwards, it’s the choices you make during the workday that can have a significant impact on your health and weight. Taking action with small, simple steps throughout the day like the following: Set an alarm on your…
A Quick and Filling Snack for Work
A while back I shared a recipe for egg cupcakes in my blog. If your New Year’s resolution involves eating better, check out this past posting for an eggs-cellent idea (please excuse the bad pun—I couldn’t help myself.) Ah, the afternoon vending machine showdown. We’ve all been there, and it’s tough to pick something healthy when your blood sugar is…
Gluten-Free Valentine’s Day Dessert
When you think of Valentine’s Day treats, you may think of candy hearts, a box of chocolates or the twin packs of little pink heart cupcakes (a personal favorite). Unfortunately, the sugar and calories in these sweets can add up quickly. That’s why I turned to Dena McDowell, a Registered Dietitian and nutrition expert for TOPS. She shared a light…
Curing Cabin Fever
Do you have the winter blues or a bad case of cabin fever? If so, you’re probably not alone. Here in the Midwest, winter can seem to drag on and on with limited sunlight, chilly temps and snowy/icy trips to and from work. This combination can take its toll on our overall attitude and emotional well-being. While it seems easiest…
The New Year’s Resolution Saboteurs
It’s that time of year again. Gyms are packed, diet commercials dominate television and many of us are fired up and ready to make a change. It’s no secret that New Year’s resolutions are often health-focused, and maybe 2014 is your year to lose weight, quit smoking or be ready for that 5K race by spring. You start off with…
Keep Exercise Enjoyable at Work with Walking Trivia
Walking is one of the simplest and least expensive forms of exercise you can do. And the best part is you can do it just about anywhere as a way to sneak in extra activity throughout the day. One of my favorite parts of the spring and summer months is the ability to take a quick lunchtime walk at work…
What We Can Learn From Dogs on Our Journey to Wellness
My husband and I recently added to our family with an 11-pound lab/terrier mix named Nellie (pictured). Throughout all of the potty training, crate training and the like, I’ve noticed that she has taught me just as much as I’ve (tried) to teach her. As you work toward a healthy and balanced life, you may be surprised to know that…
Gluten-Free Pizza Crust
There’s been plenty of buzz about gluten lately. But what exactly is gluten? Here’s your nutrition lesson for the day courtesy of Katie Ferraro, a Registered Dietitian and nutrition expert for TOPS: Gluten is the protein found in wheat, rye and barley. It gives elasticity to bread dough and provides structural support in baking. Those with gluten sensitivity aren’t allergic…
Avoid the Flu this Winter
Did you know that nearly 111 million workdays are lost due to the flu each flu season? That equals almost $7 billion per year in sick days and lost productivity. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, flu season peaks in January and February, making now a great time to focus on prevention, prevention, prevention! So how can…