Health, Lifestyle, Motivation

Curing Cabin Fever

Forest in WinterDo you have the winter blues or a bad case of cabin fever? If so, you’re probably not alone. Here in the Midwest, winter can seem to drag on and on with limited sunlight, chilly temps and snowy/icy trips to and from work. This combination can take its toll on our overall attitude and emotional well-being. While it seems easiest to just count the days until summer, one of my favorite sayings is, “Don’t wish your life away,” and I think this holds especially true this time of year. Instead, try to make the most of the winter months with one of the following ideas:

Sign up for a cooking class. Check out your community calendar to see if cooking classes are offered in your area. Local community centers often make classes like these available for a small fee. Then, you can invite your friends over (which is another way to beat cabin fever) and impress them with your homemade pasta or soup.

Plan a mini staycation. It would be wonderful if everyone could afford to plan a cruise or trip that involved white, sandy beaches. Unfortunately, this isn’t always the case. But any trip—even a quick, weekend getaway—can help beat the blues by giving you something to look forward to. Websites like Groupon and LivingSocial may offer deals on local hotels, resorts or bed and breakfasts to help you get away without breaking the bank or having to get on a plane. Your staycation could even be a day trip to a local spa.

Think about giving back. Volunteering can help make you feel better all-around and it’s a great way to give back to your community. Consider volunteering at a local food pantry, donating blood or collecting winter clothes for the less-fortunate.

Sign up for a spring race. Did your New Year’s resolution involve getting fit? Think about signing up for a race in April or May. Many races offer early-bird discounts, so consider signing up now. This will help motivate you to hit the gym or treadmill when the couch is calling your name.

You only get 24 hours in a day. Don’t spend them wallowing in the winter blahs. Instead, embrace life and look for new opportunities for adventure.