Today’s blog comes to you from Mary Mullane, a TOPS service program administrator.
Habits. We talk about them frequently, usually about breaking or kicking them. “Habit” has several meanings, and while originally defined as a garment, a habit can also be something we repeatedly do. It shouldn’t come as a surprise then, that our clothes closet is a glimpse, not only of our sense of style, but also a direct reflection of what we choose to practice.
Looking in my closet, I find a variety of sizes, some larger than needed, but they are outnumbered by a smaller set which haven’t been worn in a very long time. As I search for something to wear, I am reminded of the high and low points of my journey. Searching the closet is like a reunion with old classmates. It rekindles the memories of different times and different feelings – some memories more pleasant than others, making me wish I could turn back the clock.
I am quickly reminded of the habits practiced at the time they made their first debut, and resolve to practice them again, refusing to give up.
Perhaps that’s why I’ve chosen to keep them. I anticipate the day I can free them from the closet. The problem is, they have me outnumbered, and as special as those memories are, because of their numbers, I am overwhelmed and often feel defeated by them.
Yes, I want to return to those sizes again, but I also need to feel good about myself: Where I am today, and the habits in my closet have created a mental obstacle.
It’s time to let them go and focus less on what was, and more on what can be. Time to create and practice new habits long enough that they become a permanent lifestyle. Time to clean the closet.
Mary Mullane
Service Program Administrator
By Wanda August 8, 2022
You are right, Mary! I do get rid of clothes that are out of style or too worn and it is certain that I’m holding on to some old habits that should go too. Hmmmm….it will require some thought to identify them but I bet I’ll find a good stack.
By Mary Mullane August 8, 2022
Thank you for your comments everyone. I wish you all success in your personal journey and hope this message has helped in some small way.
By Judy A Culbertson August 5, 2022
Hi Mary, I feel your sincerity in this post. I have been in TOPS for 20 years and attribute my being a 13-year KOPS to all I have learned in this phenomenal support organization . I have learned over the years to accept myself , as is, and think positive thoughts, most of the time. When you clean your closet, say goodbye to old memories, cherish the ones you are making now, and believe going forward in yourself. You can do this when your time is right. That is the secret….If you believe you can, you can. No more doubts. You have had a journey of ups and downs, as have most of us. You have been such an influence on others in this organization, so understanding, and kind. Do this for you. Love & Hugs, JC
By Sandy Frieday August 3, 2022
This is a great article and a wonderful reminder. I am sharing it with my chapter members and on my Monday night Zoom for those who may not have seen it. I have some of the same situation going on. It’s time to focus on the future and how great it can be if I stay committed to my goals. Thanks, Mary!
By Mary Mullane August 8, 2022
Thank you! I also need to do start that habit where you hang the clothes with the hangers facing with the hook out toward you and then as you wear things, you turn them around. At the end of the season, any hangers not facing the opposite way are things you will not wear, feel comfortable wearing or simply need to be donated.
By Kathy Betsinger August 2, 2022
The first thing I do when I go down a size, is get rid of the clothes that are too large, because I am never going to wear them again! (I did save one pair of pants and one shirt that I wore at my heaviest, so I’d always remember how large I used to be.) I like to keep one shirt that is a size too small so I can feel victory when it fits.
By Mary Mullane August 8, 2022
By Shirley Renaud August 2, 2022
Thank you Mary for the “push” the “nudge” 🙂
By Mary Mullane August 8, 2022
You’re welcome!
By Darlene August 1, 2022
This was an excellent read. Have put that idea in to practice on my own; but reading this keeps the idea reinforced. I now have only items I couldn’t bear to part with rather than clothing of many sizes. I ALSO determined I wouldn’t hold onto them indefinitely; they have been marked “try on in 3/6 months” and if they don’t fit, out they go as well….Thank you for the extra nudge.
By Shirley Renaud August 1, 2022
Totally agree..thank you for the “push”.
By Jean Clow August 1, 2022
Will try
By Patty Taylor August 1, 2022
Excellent reminder.
At our SRD’s we have had a “clothing boutique”. Members bring in their outgrown, shrunk of, or got tired of wearing clothing, we all get to shop. We have priced by “donation” or minimal amounts. It is amazing and exciting to see the new outfits.
By Gina Brueske August 1, 2022
Thanks Mary.
By Florence Wilton August 1, 2022
Excellent post!! Thanks for the encouragement – I can’t wait to get some “old” clothes out and find they now fit!!
By eleanore huff August 1, 2022
Sweet. Will read this to my group of ladies. Thank you!
By Virginia August 1, 2022
Will put into practice.
By Virginia August 1, 2022
Good idea.