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Real People… Real Self

Election ResultsElection time has come and gone. Thanks to all who were willing to accept the challenge to run for an office and serve. Even though you may have been a bit reluctant or doubted yourselves and your abilities, you said “Yes, I can help.” To be the best person you can be, and the best leader, you just need to be yourself. That doesn’t mean you aren’t willing to grow and change. It just means that you work to become the best you that you can be.

The curious paradox is that when I accept myself as I am, then I can change. Being who you really are is the first step in becoming better than you are.”
Carl Rogers

Accepting yourself is a sign of maturity. When I was a kid, I watched other kids expend a great deal of time and energy trying to fit in… to be just like everyone else. I tried to do the same! Things like clothing, hair style, shoes, and ear piercings were statements of who the “in” kids were….or at least who they wanted you to think they were. The same is still true today, not only among high school kids but also among “grown-ups”.

I learned that it is far more difficult to be who others wanted me to be than it was to be who I am! When I tried to change to fit in, I was saying that I have more confidence in the opinion of others than I have in my own. In contrast, when I learned to accept and acknowledge who I really was, I allowed myself to set a path for moving forward.

Real confidence comes from knowing and accepting yourself… your strengths and limitations… in contrast to depending on affirmation from others.”
Judith Bardwick

Doing things exactly the same way a former officer did is not required. Enjoy using your uniqueness to enliven and reinvigorate whatever office you were elected or appointed to perform. Remember, being who you really are is the first step in becoming better than you are! Your chapter chose you because you are you. Give them the benefit of your authentic strengthens and talents.

I Care, Barb

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