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Real People … In their own words… the letter K

I recently heard a radio interview in which a writer was asked the following question: If you could create a Mount Rushmore-type sculpture of the four most influential rock stars, who would be on it? I also recently read a Facebook post by a fellow member who sang the praises of a friend of hers who made a huge difference in her life. You see where this is going, don’t you?

I combined the two stories and decided it would be fun to consider who the four people would be if I could make such a sculpture of the most influential people in my life. I thought for a very long time about this and decided that my four would be my father, Mrs. Shuttlesworth, Dr. Popovich and my aunt. Each had a profound impact on the way I think and the way I choose to live my life. While I am not a sculptor, and any attempt to create such a work of art would surely do these fine people a huge disservice, maybe I could at least let them know what they meant to me. Sadly, all four have passed away but they still live on in my heart and continue to influence my thinking every day. I am so deeply grateful for all they shared. Each one taught me the importance of being kind, to keep going and growing, to be in harmony with all around you and so very much more.

Who would be among the four you would place on your Mount Rushmore? If like me, your sculpting skills are inadequate, perhaps just dropping them a note to let them know how much they have meant to you would suffice. I know everyone is very busy these days. It is never too soon to express your gratitude and it can quickly become too late. Having a significant impact on someone’s life makes you famous in their eyes. Taking the time to do this one act of kindness will mean the world to not only them, but to you as well!

Missed the beginning of our journey through the alphabet? Check out the rest of Getting Back to Basics.

Members, are you following along? If you want to create your own words to enrich your positive self-talk, download Real People … An Alphabet Adventure from the Chapter Contests and Activities in the Members Area of our website.

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