Real People. Real Weight Loss.®

Helping Millions to Take Off Pounds Sensibly Since 1948.

Real People … In their own words… the letter I

Imagine, Improve, Individual, Involve, IntentImagine, Improve, Individual, Involve, Intent

Question: How do you get unbelievable results from a person? Answer: Have unbelievable expectations about that person. Those who believe in our ability to “do more” motivate us and create an atmosphere in which it becomes easier to succeed. The good news is that you do not need special skills to believe in someone, you simply need to care and do the best you can to help them. I believed in all of you when I set the Million Mile Challenges, and you walked to the moon and beyond! We set the Million Pounds Mission challenge and our TOPS and KOPS achieved over a million pounds lost! Your individual efforts to improve and your passionate involvement and effort were everything I imagined they could be, and more!

I believe in my fellow members to a fault. Some people would say my expectations are too high and that I am unrealistic. To those people I say, “Nonsense! We are capable of doing more than we ever imagined. And I am here to help you reach those expectations.” To paraphrase basketball great, Bill Russell, the most important measure of how well I do my job is how much I empower my fellow members to succeed. I don’t know that I have any kind of special skills; I simply care passionately about them and am willing to do the best I can to help them be successful.

What can you do to get unbelievable results from others? Set the bar high and help them see that the unbelievable is, in fact, attainable. Helping another person to be successful is one of the greatest feelings in the world. I have spent my entire adult life as a teacher and encourager and can tell you that there is no greater feeling than when a fellow member thanks me for making a difference in his or her life.

Missed the beginning of our journey through the alphabet? Check out the rest of Getting Back to Basics.

Members, are you following along? If you want to create your own words to enrich your positive self-talk, download Real People … An Alphabet Adventure from the Chapter Contests and Activities in the Members Area of our website.

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