bowls of vegan protein sources
Health, News, Nutrition

4 Questions and Answers About Protein

All calories come from four places in our diets: carbohydrates, fat, protein and alcohol. In the 1990s, low-fat diets and foods were everywhere you turned and, more recently, carbs have come under fire. Protein never seems to get much negative attention and is often proudly boasted on many food labels. Some coffee and smoothie shops even offer the option of…

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rosemary roasted carrots
Nutrition, Recipes

Rosemary Carrot Fries

As promised in the last Wellness Wednesday, this week’s blog features a tasty and simple recipe you can try this month. My motivation to cook has dipped a bit lately, and simplicity is the name of the game. These roasted carrots with rosemary “fries” pair perfectly with grilled chicken, steak, or chopped and topped on your favorite garden salad. What’s…

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salmon with leeks ready to be cooked
Nutrition, Recipes

A Citrusy Spin on Salmon

I love to cook. I love trying new recipes and making old favorites. I love the way my dog Nellie curls up in a ball and quietly watches me each time I’m in the kitchen. I especially love that cooking is one of the few times when my brain settles down a bit and stops overthinking. I’m grateful to have…

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getting winter exercise by walking your dog

A 10-Day Movement Plan

If you’ve ever searched for a workout online or scanned the cover of a health magazine, you’ve probably noticed descriptions like “fat-blasting” or “calorie-torching.” The focus has long been more about how exercise can make you look and less about how it makes you feel. But I’ve noticed an encouraging shift toward movement that makes you feel good, feel energized,…

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plastic food boxes with fresh produce
Nutrition, Recipes

Learn to be Fearless in the Kitchen

Is eating healthier by meal prepping on your healthy to-do list for the New Year? Maybe you’re curious about meal kit delivery services and whether or not they’re worth trying. Or maybe you’re just looking for healthy eating tips with a little guidance at the grocery store to make your own budget-friendly meals. No matter what your goal is, we’re…

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wooden blocks flipping to the 2021 new year
Stress, Wellness

3 Questions to Think About Before 2021

I cooked my very first turkey last week. After watching videos, chatting with my grandma on her self-proclaimed “turkey tip hotline,” and carefully following all of the steps, my first bird was a success! The meat was perfectly cooked, we had leftovers for days and I only set off the smoke alarm once (note to self: an extra pan to…

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