Sticking to wellness goals often goes quite well for the first few weeks of a new year. But it’s also equally common to start feeling less motivated as February gets underway. Take this proactive approach for staying on track over the weeks ahead: Remember that food affects mood. So avoid the trap of emotional eating as a short-term distraction from…
Nice to Meet You!
Greetings! As the new Nutrition and Fitness Editor for TOPS, I’m really looking forward to sharing wellbeing tips and new recipes I hope you all will enjoy. I’ll 100% admit to being a foodie on — and off — the clock. I’ve been writing restaurant reviews and profiling food-based businesses for almost nine years. In addition, I still regularly create…
Wellness Wednesday Is Taking a Brief Intermission
Wellness Wednesday is on a short winter break to reset and recharge. But not to worry — check back on Wednesday, January 26 to read a fresh post and meet our new blogger!
Wellness Wednesday Favorites – Part 2
I’m blown away by all of the heartfelt comments and messages I received from my previous post! Your kind words mean the world to me. As promised, here are five more of my favorite posts from over the years. 10 Simple Alternatives to New Year’s Resolutions 3 Breathing Exercises to Ease Stress 3 Must-Haves for Your Kitchen Nature, Yoga ……
Wellness Wednesday Favorites – Part 1
Well friends, after nearly a decade of writing Wellness Wednesday, it’s time for me to say goodbye. What started as a simple “we should start a blog” conversation in 2013 has evolved into countless posts and one of the most supportive communities I’ve ever known. I’m so grateful for all of my readers who kept me writing and sharing, even…
10 Mini Meals for When You Don’t Feel Like Cooking
Sometimes you just don’t feel like cooking. And maybe “sometimes” is more like “all the time,” and that’s okay too. I love to cook, but occasionally the thought of prepping, dirtying pots and pans, and cleaning the kitchen sounds terrible. For those times when cooking seems like too much work and takeout isn’t an option, try one of these easy…
Thanksgiving Leftover Quesadilla Recipe
With Thanksgiving just days away, this week’s Wellness Wednesday is dedicated to one of my favorite parts of the holiday — the leftovers! The below recipe for a Thanksgiving Leftover Quesadilla is a contemporary take on classic and seasonal favors. Leftover turkey and cranberry sauce are folded in a tortilla with shredded cheese and grilled to melty perfection. Ingredients 1…
Curious About the Low FODMAP Diet? Do a Gut Check
This blog originally ran in August 2019 and features registered dietitian and certified diabetes educator Lori Lehnert as a special guest blogger. Abdominal pain, bloating, constant gassiness, diarrhea and constipation are not exactly everyone’s favorite topics to discuss in public. However, they are things you should be talking about with your healthcare team if you experience these symptoms—especially if they interfere…
3 Breathing Exercises to Ease Stress
Pause for a moment and take a deep breath in through your nose, and out through your mouth. Close your eyes and repeat this two more times, focusing on slow and controlled breaths. Sometimes in our pursuit of health and wellness, it can be easy to overcomplicate things. But something as simple as setting aside a few moments to focus…