Fitness, Lifestyle, Wellness

Appreciate the Adventure

I recently watched a documentary about the founders of a popular outdoor sportswear company where one of the founders noted, “when everything goes wrong, that’s when adventure starts.” I heard this at the perfect time – during a vacation to visit family in the Pacific Northwest where things didn’t go quite as planned. Prior to my trip, I had hoped…

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fair ride
Fitness, Health, Weight Loss

Healthy Tips for the Fair

Tomorrow officially kicks off the start of the state fair here in Wisconsin. One of the stars of the fair each year is, of course, the food. Each year, I’m always amazed by what vendors decide to deep fry or wrap in bacon. Unsurprisingly, the fair isn’t exactly a waistline-friendly event. But that doesn’t mean you have to skip it…

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Nutrition, Recipes, Wellness

3 Veggie Alternatives to Hamburger Buns

I’ve come to accept that zucchini noodles will never really be pasta, and cauliflower “rice” will never really be rice. For me, it’s not about pretending that vegetables can completely replace carb-heavy favorites like pasta or rice. Instead, it’s about getting out of a food rut by trying new things and switching up your old standbys. If you’re looking for…

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Fitness, Motivation, Weight Loss

Tips to Get Moving

If you had told Patsy Casteen three years ago that she would be running countless races, line dancing on the TODAY Show, hula-hooping in Orlando and representing TOPS at a medical conference in Philadelphia, she would have laughed in disbelief. Since rejoining TOPS in 2014, Patsy (pictured left) has lost 100 pounds and feels healthier and more active than ever.…

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Health, Nutrition, Recipes, Weight Loss, Wellness

Tips for a Lighter Cookout

Since I’ve started consistently tracking my food, I’m constantly amazed by how quickly calories can add up, particularly in social situations. Take your average cookout, for example. One 4-ounce cheeseburger with a bun can be around 500 calories. Add dessert, a beer or cocktail, and a few handfuls of chips while chatting with friends and you’re easily over 1,000 calories!…

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Health, Wellness

“Avocado Hand” is a Real Thing

I love avocados. In addition to being a tasty and filling snack all on their own, they’re also a delicious alternative to mayo on sandwiches or butter on toast. Avocados even share the adoration of paleo diet followers, food exchange fans, vegetarians and vegans alike! But what happens when something you love turns against you? I’m talking about a new…

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