Scale with Holiday Socks

How to Navigate 3 Holiday Eating Situations

There’s no shortage of healthy holiday eating and food advice this time of year. As a weight-loss and wellness organization, TOPS is happy to share this type of advice on everything from choosing holiday cookies to unique ways to get your pumpkin fix. But food isn’t the only part of the holidays that can be challenging to navigate. Let’s not…

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Nutrition, Recipes

Hanging With Jicama

To celebrate National Healthy Eating Day, why not try a new fruit or veggie? My new favorite veggie at the moment is *jicama (pronounced “HIK-ah-mah”), which is also known as a Mexican turnip or yam bean. I first learned about jicama when I found it sold as pre-sliced strips at my favorite grocery store. You can find whole jicama in…

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Health, Lifestyle, Motivation, Weight Loss, Wellness

Had a Calorie Splurge? Here are 3 Tips for Getting Back on Track

I recently welcomed my aunt and uncle from the Pacific Northwest for a quick family getaway. Originally hailing from Wisconsin, they were eager to indulge in all of the state’s staples including cheese curds, beer, and of course, a Friday night fish fry. To be fair, Wisconsin does have many healthy food options available that extend beyond its culinary clichés.…

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Lifestyle, Motivation, Stress

The Power of Gratitude

Earlier this month, I had the pleasure of meeting Gladys who lives across the hall from one of my good friends. While I was visiting my friend for her birthday, Gladys invited us in to her apartment to meet with her family and chat. As we were talking, Gladys pointed out the view from her porch. “Look at that view,”…

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Lifestyle, Wellness

Live Your Best Life

Lately, it seems that there’s been lots of talk about “living your best life.” Since the meaning of this phrase is unique to everyone, I wanted to see what it means to some our members. Here’s what they had to say. “Being the best healthy me that I can be.” Bernadette N.R. “Being in tune to all the life around…

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Have a Happy Fourth of July

Wellness Wednesday is off celebrating the Fourth of July holiday, but that doesn’t mean we’re leaving you hanging! Check out these past blogs to help you have a happy and healthy summer: Tips for a Lighter Cookout 3 Veggie Alternatives to Hamburger Buns 4 Tips for Making the Most of Summer Produce A Healthy Farmers Market Salad in 3 Simple…

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