Lifestyle, Motivation, Wellness

Tell Yourself “You Can!”

What you think and say about your ability to live a healthier and more active life sometimes has very little to do with your actual capabilities. The stories we tell ourselves, in addition to the false perceptions others can have about us that we gradually internalize, can become mental roadblocks to achieving our wellness goals. In other words, if you…

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Fitness, Lifestyle, Motivation, Wellness

Sweat to Destress This Holiday Season

Feeling more stressed than jolly during the month of December is not abnormal. Especially when you consider how many people are already trying to decrease their stress levels long before the holiday season begins. According to research conducted by the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, “Seven out of ten adults in the United States say they experience stress or…

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Fitness Equipment
Fitness, Health, Lifestyle, Motivation, Wellness

“Any Age” Fitness

Being fit and fabulous at any age requires being attentive to changes in spatial awareness and basic body mechanics. The importance of foot placement, hip mobility and range of motion also become increasingly vital as you age. So training yourself to notice whether you frequently shuffle rather than step, in addition to how your body subtly shifts while transitioning from…

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two pieces of healthy sweet potato toast
Lifestyle, Motivation, Recipes, Wellness

Tips to Stay on Track (Now That 2022 Is No Longer the ‘New Year’)

Sticking to wellness goals often goes quite well for the first few weeks of a new year. But it’s also equally common to start feeling less motivated as February gets underway. Take this proactive approach for staying on track over the weeks ahead: Remember that food affects mood. So avoid the trap of emotional eating as a short-term distraction from…

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sketch of red crayon heart on white background
Health, Lifestyle, Motivation, Nutrition, Stress, Wellness

Wellness Wednesday Favorites – Part 2

I’m blown away by all of the heartfelt comments and messages I received from my previous post! Your kind words mean the world to me. As promised, here are five more of my favorite posts from over the years. 10 Simple Alternatives to New Year’s Resolutions 3 Breathing Exercises to Ease Stress 3 Must-Haves for Your Kitchen Nature, Yoga ……

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envelope with thank you text
Lifestyle, Motivation, Nutrition, Weight Loss, Wellness

Wellness Wednesday Favorites – Part 1

Well friends, after nearly a decade of writing Wellness Wednesday, it’s time for me to say goodbye. What started as a simple “we should start a blog” conversation in 2013 has evolved into countless posts and one of the most supportive communities I’ve ever known. I’m so grateful for all of my readers who kept me writing and sharing, even…

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Welcome Spring graphic
Lifestyle, Motivation, Stress, Time Management, Wellness

Spring Clean Your Healthy Lifestyle by Getting Rid of These 3 Things

Signs that spring is here to stay and that summer isn’t far behind are coming to life everywhere you look. Some of us may not be feeling our usual “spring cheer” … and that’s okay. The last year has brought unprecedented challenges and changes to all our lives. We could all benefit from a self-care check-in. To be clear, I am NOT a licensed…

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golden flowers on a field
Fitness, Motivation, Recipes, Wellness

See You in September!

With summer slowly drawing to a close, Wellness Wednesday is taking a little time to reset and recharge. We’ll be back on Wednesday, September 9, with a brand new post (hint: it will include goats). We hope you make time to recharge too and encourage you to check out these quick reads:   4 Tips for Making the Most of…

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