two pieces of healthy sweet potato toast
Lifestyle, Motivation, Recipes, Wellness

Tips to Stay on Track (Now That 2022 Is No Longer the ‘New Year’)

Sticking to wellness goals often goes quite well for the first few weeks of a new year. But it’s also equally common to start feeling less motivated as February gets underway. Take this proactive approach for staying on track over the weeks ahead: Remember that food affects mood. So avoid the trap of emotional eating as a short-term distraction from…

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Rachel Werner
Featured, News, Wellness

Nice to Meet You!

Greetings! As the new Nutrition and Fitness Editor for TOPS, I’m really looking forward to sharing wellbeing tips and new recipes I hope you all will enjoy. I’ll 100% admit to being a foodie on — and off — the clock. I’ve been writing restaurant reviews and profiling food-based businesses for almost nine years. In addition, I still regularly create…

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