Nutrition, Recipes, Weight Loss

Healthy Thanksgiving Leftovers Part 2

When it comes to healthy eating, I’m always searching for new ways to keep it fun and enjoyable. With Thanksgiving tomorrow, I’m thinking ahead to one of the tastiest parts of this holiday … the leftovers! You may have already seen last year’s suggestions for “healthifying” leftovers, but there are countless ways to enjoy Thanksgiving treats all the way through…

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Health, Nutrition, Recipes

Fall in Love with Fall Vegetables

There’s so much I love about fall. The cool but not-too-cold weather. The leaves changing color and crunching under your feet. And, of course, the abundance of delicious fall fare. Fortunately, fall foods aren’t limited to pumpkin-spiced treats. There are plenty of autumn veggies ready to liven up your plate and fill you up without leaving you feeling stuffed. If…

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Nutrition, Recipes

Incredible Edible Bowls

One-bowl meals are becoming more and more popular and are a fun, healthy way to fuel up without feeling weighed down. You can take this tasty trend one step further by making your own edible bowl. Veggies like squash can serve as the perfect holder for your favorite fall dishes. And, as a bonus, using edible bowls makes for fewer…

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Health, Weight Loss

4 Portion Control Tips from a Dietitian

When you hear “portion control” do you immediately think “diet” or “deprivation”? When you get in the habit of following a healthy meal plan, it doesn’t have to feel like punishment. No matter which meal plan you’re following, portion control is must. Fortunately, watching your portions doesn’t mean you have to deprive yourself or spend hours weighing and measuring everything…

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Fitness, Lifestyle, Wellness

Appreciate the Adventure

I recently watched a documentary about the founders of a popular outdoor sportswear company where one of the founders noted, “when everything goes wrong, that’s when adventure starts.” I heard this at the perfect time – during a vacation to visit family in the Pacific Northwest where things didn’t go quite as planned. Prior to my trip, I had hoped…

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fair ride
Fitness, Health, Weight Loss

Healthy Tips for the Fair

Tomorrow officially kicks off the start of the state fair here in Wisconsin. One of the stars of the fair each year is, of course, the food. Each year, I’m always amazed by what vendors decide to deep fry or wrap in bacon. Unsurprisingly, the fair isn’t exactly a waistline-friendly event. But that doesn’t mean you have to skip it…

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