Spring Break

Wellness Wednesday is on Spring Break

Wellness Wednesday will be back on Wednesday, April 13. To help keep your healthy habits from taking a break, check out past postings including, when to choose organic fruits and vegetables how to prevent food waste, and tips for setting a SMART goal. You can also head over to our Blogs, Videos and More page for more great info. Happy…

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Cauliflower Rice

Playing Nice with Cauliflower Rice

If you’re watching calories, you may think that you have to go without some of your favorite foods. But, rather than feel deprived, I prefer to look at this as an opportunity to add, or experiment with, other foods like vegetables. One way to cut calories and carbohydrates is to swap regular rice for cauliflower “rice.” All you have to…

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Go with the Flow
Featured, Lifestyle, Motivation

Going with the Flow

The other night, knowing that I wouldn’t be able to make my workout class the following evening, I had the ambitious idea to set my alarm for 4:30 AM to get up and ride my stationary bike for an hour before work. This will be great, I thought. I’ll get my exercise out of the way first thing in the…

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Looking Back and Moving Forward

I always enjoy curling up on the couch with my dog and watching year-in-review specials. They serve as a captivating reminder of the past year’s highlights, lowlights, and breakthroughs. They can be a heartfelt tribute to the people or things we said goodbye to. And it’s always entertaining to see what was trending in the past year (selfie sticks, anyone?),…

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Enjoy the Little Things
Lifestyle, Motivation

Don’t Forget About the Little Things

We’re often reminded to stop and appreciate the little things in life. Whether it’s a beautiful sunny day, a co-worker surprising you with coffee, or an unexpected compliment from a loved one, it’s these little things that get us through the day and give us something to smile about. It’s important to keep the little things in mind on our…

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Veggie Pumpkins
Lifestyle, Nutrition

The Halloween Vegetable Tray

Here at TOPS, we’ve made a veggie skeleton, we’ve made “candy corn” by layering yellow and orange peppers with cauliflower on toothpicks, and now we’re at it again. We bring you, the Halloween vegetable tray! If you’re planning on heading to, or hosting, Halloween festivities this year make your veggie tray anything but ordinary in just a few simple steps:…

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