
We’re More Than Halfway Through 2016

You are Halfway there

So many times I find myself saying, “I can’t believe it’s already (enter current month name here).” Time flies, and it seems to go especially fast in the summer months as we try to balance work, summer activities and making time for healthy habits. We’re more than halfway through the year and it’s a great time to check in with ourselves, and where we are with our healthy goals, with these three tips:

Look back at the year so far and reflect on what’s going well and what could be going better. Maybe you’re nutrition is pretty solid but you haven’t been as physically active as you’d like due to a health setback. Jot down what’s going well, and how you can build on that, along with what may need to be tweaked a bit. For example, if nagging knee pain is interfering with your walking or jogging, maybe you could look into a low-impact pool workout or class.

Enjoy what you’re doing—and stick with it. This may sound silly or obvious, but it can be easy to get caught up in a plan that doesn’t have staying power because you don’t actually like the choices you have to make to stick with the plan.

Set SMART goals for the remaining two quarters of the year. I love SMART goals because they help make a larger goal more manageable. Consider setting a small goal or two to achieve before the end of September and another goal or two to complete by December 31. Think of these goals as checkpoints along your path to health.

We may not be able to slow time down, but we can still finish the rest of the year strong!