Purple Asparagus
Lifestyle, Nutrition

Happy Eat Your Vegetables Day

Whether you’re following a gluten-free meal plan, a strict vegetarian or vegan, or you’re a fan of the primal or paleo diet, I think we can all agree on these three words: vegetables are awesome. They’re so awesome, in fact, that they have their own day – Wednesday, June 17, is Eat Your Vegetables Day. I like the fact that…

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Can we please go walk now?
Fitness, Health, Lifestyle

3 Tips for Making Exercise Fun

I wish I loved any form of exercise the way my dog Nellie (pictured above) loves walks. It doesn’t matter if it’s sunny or rainy, chilly or warm, windy or calm, Nellie greets me with the same unabashed excitement every single time I pull out her leash. I don’t know if it’s the chance to get out of the house,…

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Maggie Food Selfie
Lifestyle, Motivation

Get Healthy With Food Selfies

If we’ve learned anything from social media, it’s that people like to share … a lot. This sharing can stretch beyond kitten videos, internet memes and vacation photos and can actually be a great way to stay on track with healthy goals. Enter the food selfie. Just in case you’re unfamiliar with social media jargon, “selfie” was actually named Oxford…

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phone with apps
Health, Lifestyle, Weight Loss

New Weight-Loss App May do More Harm than Good

When it comes to staying on track with healthy goals, some people prefer having a cheerleader in their corner offering encouragement and positive vibes, while others prefer more of a tough-love approach. Perhaps the latter was the idea behind a new weight-loss app that shames you into losing weight by offering snarky comments and ridicule. After learning about this app…

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Health, Lifestyle, Nutrition

When to Choose Organic Fruits and Vegetables

Last week we had a nutrition presentation for staff here at TOPS Headquarters. A lot of great information was shared and employees had the opportunity to think about nutrition in a different way. One of the topics touched on was organic foods. According to the United States Department of Agriculture, organic agriculture uses methods that preserve the environment and avoid…

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Lifestyle, Motivation

The 3 Truths for Keeping Your Healthy Goals Going Strong

“People often say motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing – that’s why we recommend it daily.” — Zig Ziglar This popular Zig Ziglar quote holds especially true this time of year when the New Year’s resolution “honeymoon period” is starting to wear off. If your motivation is starting to taper, you’re not alone. An article in the Wall Street…

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Health, Lifestyle, Nutrition

Be Mindful of Game Day Snacks

Like many football fans here in Wisconsin, I was very disappointed to see that our favorite team would not be making it to this year’s big game to be held in Arizona on Sunday, February 1. Even more depressing was thinking about how many calories were in the over-sized soft pretzel I had just eaten (with friends, in my defense)…

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Lifestyle, Motivation

A New Year’s Resolution Reality Check

Chances are, you’ve heard of the phrase “honeymoon period” when it comes to relationships. This is the period at the beginning of a relationship when feelings of love and happiness are running high and not a thing in the world can bring you down. That’s kind of how I feel about New Year’s resolutions. In a way, they’re the “honeymoons”…

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