Lifestyle, Motivation

Get Healthy With Food Selfies

If we’ve learned anything from social media, it’s that people like to share … a lot. This sharing can stretch beyond kitten videos, internet memes and vacation photos and can actually be a great way to stay on track with healthy goals. Enter the food selfie. Just in case you’re unfamiliar with social media jargon, “selfie” was actually named Oxford Dictionaries’ Word of the Year in 2013 and is used to describe a self-portrait photo that is typically taken on a smartphone and shared on social media.

Our at-work TOPS chapter recently decided to start sharing our healthy food photos as part of our weekly meetings. We’re currently running a spring contest where points are awarded for making healthy choices. Extra points are given if our food photos are food selfies (check out my attempt at a food selfie below). Now, this may seem kind of silly, but it’s a chance to have fun with healthy eating and not take ourselves too seriously. After all, if you’re not enjoying the healthy choices you’re making, it’s pretty hard to stick with them.

Maggie Food Selfie

So the next time you make a healthy meal and think, “That looks pretty enough to take a picture,” go for it. Pose with the food if you’re feeling photogenic. Feel free to share it with others as a way to stay motivated. After all, no matter what you think about social media, food selfies are one more way to make healthy habits #awesome.